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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Chapter 4

"Well I never! Just you wait until your mother hear's about this!" Mrs Pierce snarls storming off. "You'll be sorry, and I still want my ring back!" demands Margo. She grins wickedly at me, thrusts her nose into the air with a "hmph!" and walks away.

My eyes fill with tears as I think how upset Momma will be. Momma knows Margo and I have been rivals since we were young, and that I didn't want her to come to the party in the first place. I do my best to behave but it seems that Momma always thinks I'm up to something. I'm sure when Mrs. Pierce tells her about this, it won't be in my favor. "Nora, just look at Miss Margo, now that's a girl that has her priorities straight. She's always well dressed and proper, none of this playing the dirt with some rascal like Freddie Warner. It's time to grow up and start acting like a young lady" she often tells me. If acting like Margo Pierce is being a proper young lady, then I don't want to grow up. Papa understands, he tells me to enjoy my youth while it lasts, and that there's plenty of time to be grown up later.

I see Freddie out of the corner of my watery eyes and try not too look upset. "Now then, what's that matter" he asks gently wiping away a tear from my cheek. I explain to him what has happened and how Momma is going to be very upset. "She's going to think I've ruined the party!" I stammer. "Aw, there now, no she won't" he says soothingly. Betsie peeks her head around the corner. "Here now! I just heard what you two have been discussing and I think I will go talk to Mrs. Bracford. Maybe I can talk some sense into her!" she says in a frustrated manner. She turns, and marches off to find Momma.

"I know what you need, a dance!" smiles Freddie. I give him a half smile and look down at the ground. "Aw, c'mon now", he continues "It will take your mind off of things. Besides last time I checked this is a party isn't it?" He tilts his head as Nick Lucas' 'Go Fly A Kite' starts playing on the radio. Freddie grabs me by the hand and smiles as he spins me around the room. I smile and laugh as we dance. As the song ends he dips me and I see his eyes sparkling as he looks into mine. I blush and glance away, smiling shyly. 

"Nora.." Freddie whispers, bringing his hand to his neck somewhat nervously. I lean down and look upward trying to catch his eye. "Yes..." I reply. He looks up and smiles his normal flashy smile and says "Do you wanna take a little walk with me?" "Sure" I agree and smile taking his arm, "Lead the way". Good ole Freddie, I'm sure he was taking me for a walk to get away from the drama of earlier. I smile to myself, what a sweet guy he is. Stepping outside I notice it's still pretty warm for the fall and I'm glad not to be chilled. "Nice night" Freddie points out. I nod in agreement wondering why he is being so formal. I look out over the land at the tall tree's and up at the moon shining so brightly above us. The stars sprinkle the sky in a magical way and I think how beautiful a night it truly is. 

When we reach the pond near the garden I lean down to pick a flower. Just as I stand up Freddie is standing there in front of me looking anxious. "Freddie.. everything alright?" I question. He looks at me, hesitates for a moment then blurts out "Nora, I hope it's ok, it's just that I've wanted to do this for a long time." He barely finishes his sentence before he leans and softly kisses me on the lips. As we kiss my heart flutters and races so fast that I feel it might just flutter right up into the starry sky. He slowly leans away and looks into my eyes. "I hope that was ok.." he says softly. I am lost for words and can only manage to nod at him. "Say, we should probably get back to the party" he smiles and takes me by the hand. 

Walking back to the house I think how amazing it was to share my first kiss with Freddie Warner, of all people. What a beautiful, perfect night. My thoughts of Margo and the lost ring were well behind me. Nothing could ruin this wonderful night. Back at the house it was clear the Pierce's were definitely trying their best to do just that, ruin our party. Clearly Betsie had spoken with Momma before Mrs. Pierce had because the scene we walked into was dreadful. I have never seen Momma so angry. 

Fortunately most of the party is going well, but off in the corner near the dining room, I see Momma and Mrs. Pierce in a heated argument. As I get closer I can hear their conversation. Mrs. Pierce throws her hands up and screeches, "I don't care what that little nincompoop told you! I know my Margo wouldn't hurt a fly! I'm tired of your Nora upsetting my little sweetheart with her jealousy, and now theft!!" Momma forcefully points her finger at Mrs. Pierce and responds, "Don't you DARE accuse my daughter of such things, when you have no proof whatsoever! Now we have been nothing but nice and polite to your family all of these years. But, my patience has been tried with these harsh accusations. We tried to be neighborly by inviting you but I will not have my family disrespected in such a way. You are welcome to leave if you aren't here to wish Herrice safe journey." 

Edith Pierce shoves her nose into the air, then turns and opens her mouth to retort, when Margo motioned for her mother over to where she was. Margo mumbled something to Mrs. Pierce then spoke loudly "Yes, see mother I found it in here!" She was holding my clutch and pointing at it. As Margo drew her ring out of my bag I shouted "I didn't take it, I promise!" Momma turned and gave me a fierce look. "Hah!" Mrs. Pierce said wrinkling her pointy nose at Momma. "I think we'll take our leave now, don't want to be associated with thieves" she threw me a nasty look and turned for the door with Margo. 

I run after Margo and Mrs. Pierce and catch them at the door to question Margo. "Mother, don't forget to leave your drink" she tells Mrs. Pierce. Taking the wine glass from her mother's hand she turns around just as I approach her. She sneers and gently tips the glass spilling wine down the front of my dress. She gasps, "Oops, slip!" She giggles to herself, then frowns. "You better watch it" she threatens pointing at me. With that she whips around and departs.

I clean myself up, enter the living room, and over hear Mrs. Linder talking to Momma. "Marion I know it's not my place to get involved in the affairs of others, but I just had to share with you." Momma raises an eyebrow and replies "Why, Agnes what is going on?" Mrs. Linder sighs and explains, "Well, it's just that when I was in the powder room I saw that ring laying there and thought I should just leave it be, that the owner would be looking for it where they left it. I should have asked if someone had lost it." Momma looks confused and asks "What do you mean, what difference would that have made?" Mrs. Linder shakes her head "You see, on my way to the kitchen to refill my glass I saw that little Margo Pierce hide that ring in your Nora's clutch. Only, I didn't know it was Nora's at the time. Then of course Margo blamed Nora for the attempted theft." Momma gasps "Good heavens! I shouldn't have doubted Nora..." 

Momma turns and see's me standing nearby. "Nora dear, I'm very sorry I doubted you. Do you think we can salvage this party and send your father off in good spirits?" I smile and give her a nod. "There's a good girl" she says. We rejoin the party that surprisingly is still going well and people are still dancing and enjoying themselves. Papa extends his hand and we dance around the living room happily. "I love you Princess" he says. "I love you too Papa" I respond with a giant grin. The song changes and Betsie grabs my hand and we both spin around giggling. Betsie hugs me tight and asks if I'm alright. I tell her yes and thank her for talking to Momma. "You bet!" she says happily "You're my best friend Nora, you know I'd do anything for you!" I smile at her reply "You're the best Betsie, I'm so glad to have such a great friend like you." Freddie makes a gagging sound and chuckles "Ok you two enough with the sappy best pals stuff. This is a party! Now let's start acting like it!" I nod my head in agreement, "Now we finally can!" But as soon as I say the words I realize Papa is leaving tomorrow and I mutter softly to myself, "Papa...."

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Chapter 3

Miss Margo Pierce is by far the snottiest, most snobbish, girl our age. I mean, what kind of 13 yr old dresses like she's 20 anyways? I even heard rumors that she stuffs her bra. Geez she thinks she is something else. Back in elementary school was when I first met her. Me and my clumsy self, tripped over my feet while carrying the lunch tray one day. As my tray went soaring through the air an unaware Margo Pierce yet to receive it, I cringed. The tray splattered all over her in front of the whole school. Even though I apologized a million times she's never forgiven me and she's had it out for me ever since. It's not just me either, pretty much every girl in school is on her bad side. What was Momma thinking inviting her?

My thoughts are broken when I catch a glimpse of Freddie at the top of the stairs looking like a dreamboat. Just as I am about to make my way to him I hear Momma call me to the kitchen. But before I turn to leave I see Freddie smirk and give me a wink. Gosh he's so cute! 

Momma hands me a plate of food and asks me to sit it on the dining room table. "We've just about got it all ready now" she says. "The guests will be arriving soon. Mr. Linder will be bringing Papa home at 7:30 and we can surprise him! Won't that be marvelous?" Momma's words were full of joy and excitement but I could see in her eyes a sadness was there. Her glistening brown eyes were now dull and worried. 

I place the hors d'oeuvres on the dining table and I see that Freddie is enjoying a tune that Betsie is playing on the piano. "Wow Betsie! Those lessons you're taking, sure are paying off" I tell her. "Thanks, Nora. Sometimes it's a chore to do my practicing, but I really enjoy being able to play" she replies. Freddie pipes up about the checkers set he saw upstairs and asks if I'd be interested in playing a round before people start arriving. I agree, and the three of us make our way upstairs.

After facing defeat at the hand of Freddie, I suggest we go downstairs. "I'm sure I heard the bell" I explain. The others nod in agreement. At the bottom of the stairs Betsie grabs my arm, looking toward the living room and whispers, ''Get a load of that." I give her a look of disgust as we realize the Pierce's have arrived. It's not that the Pierce's weren't liked by some, just not the sort that we make company with. Mrs. Pierce is quite stuck up and is constantly fighting with her husband. I over heard Momma telling a friend that she's driving them to bankruptcy and about her gentlemen friends and, well...probably alot of other stuff 13 year olds shouldn't be hearing about.  "Maybe we can sneak past them?" Freddie wonders aloud. "Won't do us any good" I reply "They'll be here all evening. Are we just supposed to avoid them all night? Plus, Momma will just tell me to be neighborly to them." Freddie sighs, "Good point."

"Well I'm going to get something to drink" Betsie mentions. I nod and have a seat on the couch in the living room. Just then Margo walks past with her perfect, un-freckled nose pointed high in the air. "What a great turn out for your party, your father must be very popular" she giggles. I glare at her and jump to my feet, but Mrs. Pierce interjects before I have a chance to say anything. "Girls, girls" she says with a pinched smile "Now let's enjoy this fabulous party and keep ours heads about us shall we?"

Momma enters the room and asks me if everything is alright. "Yes, Ma'am" I reply dully. She and Mrs. Pierce make eye contact and you can tell in their body language how they are feeling. Mrs. Pierce wrinkles her nose and forces a smile "Marion." Momma swallows hard and smiles as sweetly as she can "Edith." The sound of the doorbell breaks the silence and Momma excuses herself to answer it. As more guests arrive and mingle in the living room and dining room, Momma is playing the perfect hostess. Several of our family friends exchange their well wishes with Momma as they too have loved ones being drafted for the army. 

I barely hear the phone ringing with all the chatter going on, but answer it just in time. "Mr. Linder! How good of you to call! How are things?" I ask. Mr. Linder chuckles as he can hear the excitement in my voice "Yes deary, very well. Just ringing you up to tell you that I'll have your Papa back to ya in no time. We're just leaving now." I grin ear to ear and respond with a cheery "Okay!" 

I quickly hang up the phone and try to get everyone's attention. "Everyone! Everyone! Papa will be here soon, let's get everything ready!" I shout excitedly. The chatter ceases and everyone begins turning down the lights and getting positioned in their hiding places. "Great timing" Momma says in a hushed voice, "I just heard them pull up."

"Well thanks again Clyde. I think I've got everything ready to go now" we hear Papa say as he and Mr. Linder enter the foyer. Right then Momma flips on the light and we all cheer, scaring Papa half to death. "HOT DIGGITY DOG!" he exclaims. "Hope you're in the partying mood, dear. Your tux is laid out upstairs" Momma tells him sweetly. "Wow! All this for me!? That's swell!" he says cheerfully. He exchanges hearty hand shakes with the guests and everyone gets back to mingling. Mrs. Linder even strikes up a tune on the piano, and everyone seems to be having a wonderful time.

Leave it up to Margo Pierce to ruin a perfectly good party. In one of her dramatic episodes she begins fussing around, something about a ring. Margo complains, "It just has to be here somewhere! I took it off when I went to powder my nose. It's my grandmother's ring, my favorite one. Did I mention it's expensive? I just know someone has taken it, I just....YOU!". Margo slowly turns, shrivels up her face, pointing at ... me? "You took it, I just know you did! You're just jealous that you don't have such finery as I do! Give it back!" she yells. I stuttered in shock of such an accusation, "I-I would never take your things Margo." 

BOOM! Just like that Margo rears back and slaps me right across my cheek! Stunned I don't know what to do or say. My hand flies up to my cheek as I hear her still shouting at me. My eyes well up with tears as I try to explain that I didn't take her ring. Mrs. Pierce comes flying around the corner with a look of rage about her. "What in heavens name is going on here!?" she exclaims. "Why Momma! Miss Nora here has just struck me for no good reason!" Margo lies. Bewildered, I can do nothing but stare at Margo. Great, now how am I gonna get myself out of this mess, I think.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Chapter 2

September 16, 1940
On what seemed like any other day I trotted down the stairs. But today I sensed something was different. I peered into the living room and saw Papa hunched over on the couch, his head in his hands. What could be the matter? I noticed a scrap of paper laying on the piano and snuck over to it carefully. Scanning the letter quickly I soon wish I had left well enough alone. "Oh no...Papa has been drafted to war!! What will we do!?" I think to myself. I see Papa rise up and wipe his face. He carefully smooths his hair and clears his throat. In a low tone he calls "Nora..come here dear" Darn! I thought I had stayed out of sight. "What are you doing over there?" he asks "Ah..I see you too have discovered the news." 

Tears fill my eyes and I cry out "Papa you can't leave us, you just CAN'T!" Papa calmly smirks his crooked smile that I know too well and replies "Dearest Nora, I have to go. But, I'll be back before you know it!" He grins down at me, his fuzzy auburn mustache turned up in a smile. I dry my green-blue eyes, and sniff hard, composing myself. "Yes, sir Papa" I say. He tells me that he will speak with my mother about it and for me not to worry. Don't worry!?....my Papa is leaving for war, how does a girl not worry about such things! Papa has always been there for me, and now he will be off at war for who knows how long. Momma and I don't get on as much as I would like, but we make due. I know I could always count on Papa to lift my spirits, help me with homework, or give advice when a kid at school was giving me a hard time. Sometimes when he was on his lunch break from his accounting job, he would bring me cucumber sandwiches, and blueberry yogurts. He would have lunch with me at school, and we would talk about all the goings on that day. My school friends would laugh at his silly jokes, and before he would leave he would always say, "We're always together when you live in my heart". Having Papa gone was going to be the single most difficult thing I've ever had to deal with.

Later that evening I heard soft words being spoken from my parents room. My mothers' sobs as Papa tries to console her. I knew that this was going to be one of the most difficult things for us. We had always been together, through everything. I was Papa's little princess, at least that's what he told me. I didn't know how I would be able to deal with it just being me and Momma. She is a wonderful mother, and a fabulous cook. But, she is very stern and has no sense of humor. Momma always says "Look your best, act your best, be your best. There's no time for foolishness. There's too much to be done." I think she just keeps busy to avoid letting her emotions show through. Papa always brings out the best in her. The way her eyes light up when he is around, nothing else brings that kind of joy to her face. Even, me...

Momma does have her surprising moments however, and the next morning as I sat crying on the sofa, she came over lift my spirits. "You know, I've been thinking" she said "We shouldn't sit around sulking when there is so much to be done!" I asked her what she meant and she replied "I do believe Papa needs a send off party, don't you think? A little party is just what we need! Now come along and let's get everything ready for this evening." Not in much of a party mood, but also not in the mood to deal with Mommas' moodiness, I reluctantly agree. I follow her into the kitchen where I see the counter top covered with ingredients. She picks up a scratch of paper, and begins announcing the different kinds of foods we'll have at the party. Next, she goes over all the cleaning chores to be done. "I'll start washing those potatoes, and you peel" she instructs as she takes a bumpy looking potato in her hand. As I waited for her to give the potato a good wash, I noticed how pretty her features were as the sun poured in the window and illuminated her hair. Brown curls were pinned in a tidy fashion, and were complimented by matching eyes. Her slender face wore a short but rather pointed nose, just like mine. Her lips remained pursed though and wore a tight expression. I wish she wouldn't make that face, she has such a nice smile, but doesn't show it often. Her skin always reminds me of a porcelain doll, freckle free and perfect. I definitely got my Papa's freckled skin. "Nora! There is much to be done!" Momma's voice snaps me from my daydream as I pick up a potato, and start the peeling. 

"Now I know how we feel about them, but I have invited the Pierce's. We simply cannot invite the whole street and leave them out, you know?" she mentions. "Momma!" I exclaimed "Surely you cannot be serious. Margo and Mrs. Pierce are just baddies! You see how Margo treats me, and that Mrs. Pierce is just a pill". Momma explains that even though they aren't the most polite womenfolk on the street, it's our duty as kind neighbors to include them. "Why I have known Edith Pierce for years! It wouldn't be right not to invite the Pierce's. Do you know what a statement it makes for them to come to one of our events? Our standing with society should remain in tact, even if that means a little bit of uncomfortable conversation at tonight's party" she tries explaining. I never understood why all that society stuff was such a big deal. Either people like you, or they don't. Sure we should be polite, but not at the expense of not being ourselves. I guess Momma was just raised like that, I mean my grandparents must've been uppity or something. I'll never know though, they passed on when I was just a baby. Papa's parents too, but they were a lot older when they had him. I wasn't even born before they took their leave. It's always just been the three of us. Momma seems dead set on inviting the Pierce family, and there's just no sense in arguing with her when she's got her mind set. I know I must get my stubborn attitude from her, but I try to hold my tongue this time. I guess I'll just have to put up with Margo's belittling comments and snobby behavior during the party. It's not like I don't know how since she always acts like a goody two shoes at school. At least my friends Bestie and Freddie will be there with me. 

Momma keeps disappearing from the kitchen to keep Papa in the dark about the party. If he see's all this food laid out surely he will wonder what it is for. When she enters the kitchen again, she begins washing a head of lettuce and tells me that she's phoned over to the Linders' home. "I asked Clyde if he would occupy your father with a little trip to town. That way we can get things ready without ruining the surprise" she tells me. "Good idea" I respond as I chop up some carrots for the salad. Sure enough Mr. Linder stops in shortly after that, and invites Papa to accompany him to town to get a few things for his journey. "It's the least I can do" I hear him tell Papa in the foyer. I peek around the corner to see Papa heartily slapping Mr. Linder on the shoulder "Thanks old friend" he replies. Without evening looking Papa says, "Nora run along and tell your mother that I've gone out for a bit to help Clyde pick up some things from town. Will she be needing anything?" I gasp with surprise, "How did he know I was here?" Papa must really have eyes in the back of his head like he's always telling me. I giggle and call out, "Momma's just fine." He turns, giving me a wink, and with that the two of them are off. 

After a long day of preparing food for the party, and cleaning the house top to bottom, finally it's time for guests to start arriving. I'm almost to tired for a party! With all that scrubbing and mopping, dusting and polishing silver, it's enough to make one exhausted! After a wash, I go find Momma to see if there are any final touches that need to be done for the food. Downstairs, I find her in the parlor finishing a telephone conversation. "Yes, of course! We'll see you tonight. Bye now!" she says into the receiver before hanging up. "I've just finished phoning some people about the party. Looks as though we'll have a nice turn out, even if it is short notice" she tells me. She mentions that Betsie Collins and Freddie Warner should be arriving soon followed by the other guests. "Scoot along now and get dressed for tonight. I've got to dress myself. There's still so much to be done!" she tells me. She is in one of her moods again, trying to get everything perfect. "I've laid out your green dress for you" she instructs. 

I climb the dark mahogany stairs quickly to the second floor.....The afternoon sun pours through my bedroom window Upstairs I put on the dress Momma has laid out for me, and sneak into her room to steal a little rouge for my pale freckled cheeks. As I look in the mirror I think how I might look if I wasn't covered in speckles. Papa's voice resounds in my head, "Just like your Grandma Cecilia, covered in angel kisses." Just then I hear the bell and rush downstairs to see who has arrived.

As I approach the front door sunlight pours in and a silhouette comes into focus. Freddie Warner, the boy down the street. The boy who gave me a toad for my 8th birthday and told me frogs were lucky. Over the years we have become the best of friends. Plus, he's cute as a bug's ear! The only person that knows how I feel about Freddie is my other best friend Betsie Collins, and she wouldn't tell a soul. 

"Hiya! Got some place I can change into my tux?" he greets. I chuckle and reply ''Sure thing, just up stairs. Looks like someone's been fishin' again." He grins sheepishly "Don't tell my folks?" Smiling back at him I say ''never''. Freddie's parents always thought fishing wasn't a respectable hobby and his mother always fussed that he dirtied up his clothes. She had instructed him there was to be no more fishing. As Freddie starts upstairs to change I notice someone coming up the walk and smile brightly. 

"Betsie Collins while I live and breathe! You wore the same dress as me!" I say in a joking manner. "Well your Mom rang my Gran and said you were wearing your green one. I thought we could match?" she states. I told her of course and that was a great idea. She asks who all has arrived and I explain that other than Freddie she's the only other one. Laughing she says "I guess he's changing then?" Giving a little chuckle I reply "Yes he was fishing again so I guess he's getting cleaned up" Betsie shakes her head and says "I have never known someone who liked fishing so much!" "Say! I didn't tell you who Momma invited this evening, did I? You know it, the Pierces!" I exclaim. Betsie gasps, "Oh for heavens sake, she didn't!? Well this evening should be awfully interesting...".

Chapter 1 - Prologue

I never really know how to start these things off. The home nurse tells me to just think of the memories of it and they will find their way to the pages. Not so easy for an 72 yr old woman, but I'll give it a try. With the exception of my late husband Fred, my fondest memory is that of my dear friend Nora who was lost quite long ago. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I've enclosed some photo's that I had restored with color. But goodness, I'm getting ahead of myself! My name is Betsie Warner, and I am writing down my memories for my friends so that once I have passed on they will remember me and my tale. I've never told anyone about any of this, but seeing as how I'm not sure how much time I have left, now is as good a time as any. 

If there is one thing anybody knew, it was that Nora Bracford and I were the very best of friends. Like sisters some would say. Our families were close as well, and we spent much time together growing up. I first met Nora when I was 9 years old. She was a skinny gangly girl with mousy brown hair and freckles, but my word, what a personality. My parents had perished in a horrible automobile accident and I had been sent to live with my grandparents, Clyde and Agnes Linder. They were wonderful people, and so in love! Other than my parents, I couldn't have asked for anyone better to raise me. 

Our neighbors, the Bracford's met under interesting circumstances. Marion Wilsburg had traveled to France on holiday and it was that summer she had met Herrice Bracford. Impressions must have been made, because wouldn't you know it, the following year Herrice immigrated to America. After he received his citizenship, they were married shortly after. They had only one child, little Nora Grace, and settled in northern Delaware. 

My grandparents had lived there many years and were all too excited to have new neighbors. Then I came along and we all spent many fun filled happy years, celebrating birthdays and special occasions together. That is until the war. Fortunately my sweet grandfather Clyde was past the drafting age, but poor Mr. Bracford was not so lucky. He was called off to war, and things weren't quite the same after that. The war changed so much in our communities, and many families were torn apart, their lives never to be the same.

I have had these journals for many years now yet they are constantly filled with new information. These journals belonged to Nora, and now I pass on her recollections to you, through her eyes...