The time had passed by so very quickly with the new baby, Thanksgiving, and the wedding coming up. Now that the war was over and the men returned to their homes, we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with Freddie's parents. We had also invited Betsie to join us. The week after we had Bonnie, dear Mr. Linder had passed away in his sleep. Poor Betsie was a mess, but Freddie and I helped her through it and a few months later she was nearly her old self again. Mr. Linder had left her everything, including the house, and being that she was over 16 she no longer required a guardian. So here it is, a week before our wedding and still so much to do.
I had been searching for a wedding dress since Freddie proposed to me, but just couldn't find anything that suited me. There was Momma's wedding dress, but I would rather where an old set of rags than anything of hers. The Warner's had offered to pay for the wedding given my circumstances with my family. I don't think I could have asked for a better set of in-laws. As I put Bonnie down to sleep, I hear a noise near the bedroom door. "Psst, Come here hun. I have something to show you" whispers Freddie's mother, and motions me over to her.
I follow her to her bedroom and she tells me to wait where I'm at. Emerging from her closet she comes out with a large bag, and unzips it, revealing a beautiful wedding gown. "It was mine when George and I got married" she explains, with a large smile. "Oh, Ruth! It's beautiful...but, I can't wear your wedding gown!" I reply. "Sure you can! I was waiting to see if you found one you liked, but now that we're this close to the wedding I thought it was a good time to offer it to you. Why don't you try it on?" she offers. Moments later I stand in front of her in the most beautiful gown I've seen. It's perfect.." I softly breathe.
Later that evening a party was held for Freddie and I by a few friends. We enjoyed a delicious cake that Betsie made, and we received a few wedding gifts, along with many well wishes and congratulations. When the party was over Freddie kissed me goodbye and left to stay with a friend for the week before the wedding. "You need time to prepare for the wedding, and besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder" he told me. Thank goodness Eloise was there to help with Bonnie or I surely wouldn't have been able to get anything done.
As the week pressed on and the wedding was drawing nearer, I began to get anxious. Taking a seat on my bedroom floor with Bonnie I begin to think of the wedding, of all the preparations, and of my future. "Goo?" Bonnie gabs as she blinks at me in a confused manner. "Oh darling not to worry! I'm sure everything will be wonderful" I tell her kissing her forehead softly.
The night before the wedding I woke drenched in sweat after a horrible nightmare. I checked on Bonnie, who was sound asleep and decided to get a glass of water from the kitchen. Downstairs I noticed that the parlor light was on, and I found Betsie putting the finishing touches on the bride and groom cakes. She had stayed over to help out with things but I never meant for her to be up all night getting it done. "My goodness Betsie what are you doing up this time of night?" I ask surprised. "Well I just needed to put the finishing touches on the cakes, but I'm finished now" she replies.
"What about you?" she questions. "I had a horrible nightmare Betsie. I can't even really remember all of it now, but I remember a bright flash of light and someone laughing. Anyhow, it just gave me the heebie jeebies, ya know?" I explained. "Aw, I'm sure your just stressed about the wedding. You need to get your rest! In a few hours you'll be Mrs. Freddie Warner!" she exclaims rather loudly. "Shhh! We need to get to sleep" I say giggling slightly.
The sun shone brightly in my room, and the birds outside my window chirped happily. This was my wedding day! I got out of bed excitedly, thinking about the day and noticed Bonnie wasn't in her crib. Eloise had left a note for me :
From the top of the stairs I could hear lots of chatter coming from downstairs. When I found the source of the noise, Eloise turns and shouts "She's up! Good morning to the Bride!" "Let's get to the church and get you ready!" Betsie squeals with glee. Eloise gathers up Bonnie and her things and we all take off to church.
Eloise, Betsie and Ruth practically tackled me. Make up, hair accessories and jewelry flew through the air as the girls prepared me for my wedding. They all gave me wedding day gifts. From Ruth something old (her wedding dress). From Eloise something new, a gorgeous pair of white satin pumps. Last but not least something borrowed, and also blue from Betsie, who lent me a sapphire hair pin. "You look incredible!" Betsie shouts. The girls nod and clap their hands together excitedly. An usher pops her head in and informs us that it's time for the wedding to start.
Ruth takes my hands in hers and smiles at me happily. "In my prayers I thank God for sending such an incredible woman to my son. I'm truly happy for you both" she tells me sweetly, before embracing me tightly.
"Ready to get married!?" Betsie asks as she opens the door. I felt absolutely beautiful from my head to my toes, and overwhelmed with excitement to be marrying the most wonderful man. I had a strange nervous feeling, but I chalked it up to wedding jitters. As Betsie hugs me tightly I reply happily, "YES!"
Standing in a small alcove tucked out of sight from the congregation I hear the music pouring through the church as Mrs. Warner carries the flower girl down the aisle, Bonnie looks so beautiful in her little dress. Next is the bridesmaids and the groomsmen making their way down the aisle slowly. Mr. Warner takes my arm in his and smiles at me "Are you ready?" he asks. Oh how I wish Papa could've walked me down the aisle, I miss him so very much. Mr. Linder had offered, but with his passing someone else would have to. Proud I was to have someone so good as Mr. Warner to give me away. He is such a warm-hearted man. Smiling so big my cheeks were hurting, I nod and whisper "Absolutely!"
Turning the corner, and starting down the aisle I see Freddie standing at the end of the aisle with the pastor. My word, I never saw a more handsome man than my husband to be! The church is filled with beautiful flowers on pedestals lining the aisle, and an elegant lace runner for me to walk down. As soon as Freddie's eyes meet mine I blush to a perfect cherry red and my stomach flips over, filling with butterflies. At the end of the aisle the pastor asks "Who gives this woman away?" Mr. Warner responds and softly kisses my cheek, releases my arm, and takes a seat on the pew.
As I take my place beside Freddie, I notice that he had been crying. He subtly wipes his tears and stands up tall. The pastor clears his throat and speaks loudly but smoothly, "We are gathered here today, to celebrate the marriage of Freddie and Nora. God has brought them together by love, and today we shall witness their promise of honor and commitment before the Lord our God. If you both will please face one another." Freddie turns and looks into my eyes, my stomach gives another leap, and my cheeks grow red as I blush.
The pastor instructs Freddie to repeat after him, the vows, "I Freddie, take thee Nora, as my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part." Freddie speaks his vows looking deeply into my eyes, and then it is my turn to make my vows to my beloved Freddie. As I speak our wedding vows, I feel as though our souls rise up out of our chests and interlock in the bond of marriage, two hearts becoming one new soul.
"And now, the exchanging of rings" the pastor informs us. He speaks about the symbol of the ring being that of a reminder of this day and our promise to each other. Freddie and I each place a ring on each others finger as we seal our commitment. "With this ring, I thee wed" , we say to each other. I barely notice anyone else in the room, or that we are even in a room. My mind is far away in some peaceful beautiful place with Freddie, our hands locked together tenderly, our feet floating above the ground.
I snap out of my intimate daydream just as the pastor proudly announces "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride!" Freddie takes me in his arms and kisses me lovingly, and my heart is truly filled with joy.
The pastor declares, "I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Freddie J. Warner!" Freddie puts his arms around me and I lean against him. We turn to face our family and friends, as they cheer and clap enthusiastically. From the corner of my eye I see Betsie dabbing her eyes, and Eloise clapping wildly. As we start down the aisle I see Ruth Warner with tears in her eyes, "Beautiful! Just beautiful!" she calls out. We exit the sanctuary beaming happily and step outside to have our photo taken.