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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Chapter 49

The next morning after breakfast, I decide to pay Parfon and Phillip a visit. I usually let Cade deal with those two, but this morning Jax needed his help with something, so the task was mine.

The cold stone walls greet me as I enter the stairs to the dungeon. The guards greet me pleasantly, and stand up a little straighter at my presence. “How are the inmates? Any problems?” I ask them. A nearby Phillip snarls angry words at me from his cell. "You idiot, Parfon will rule one day and you'll be sorry!" he growls. One of the guards takes a staff, and jabs the prisoner in the stomach through the bars. “You will respect our Queen thief, or it's the gallows for you!” the guard Mathis yells. He turns toward me again, “We've had no trouble that we can't handle majesty.” The guards exchange looks with one another, but try to do so subtly. “Mathis, is there anything you wish to tell me?” I ask suspiciously. Mathis glances at the others nervously, avoiding eye contact with me. He wrings his hands, but then stands tall and opens his mouth to speak. Before he is able to, Jeston, a guard from the back of the group calls out, “Marcob is dead!” All of the guards whip around to glare at him, and I draw in my breath slightly. “What happened? Why are you keeping this from the King and I? You are meant to be loyal to us, are you not?” I ask with concern. “It just happened last night highness. We have yet to inform you, as the hour is early” another guard explains. “We didn't want to worry you so your majesty” Mathis adds. “I'm not upset...but you must tell me immediately in the future! Don't stall for the hour. What has happened?” I question.

Mathis hesitates before he answers, “It's Parfon your highness. She seems to have cast a spell on Marcob. He was found trying to release her from her cell. We caught him in time. As soon as her gaze from him broke he looked bewildered, as though he had no idea what was happening. Then, she mumbled something and he fell over dead.” I give him a look one would give a child in trouble, “Mathis...I've got to tell you, I'm disappointed. This is exactly something that would be appropriate to wake us for. My patience has been tried with you in the past, and I believe I've run out of it. Jeston, how long have you worked as a secondary guardsmen to the throne?” I ask. Jeston stands tall and answers proudly, “All my life majesty. It is an honor to serve the royal throne.” I give him a smile, “Not any longer. You sir are promoted to High Guard of the Royal Protection. Your ceremony will be arranged, but your duties begin at once.” Then turning my attention to Mathis I continue, “I'm afraid I will have to place you as a groundsmen for the royal gardens. Perhaps in time our confidence in you can be restored.”

Mathis seems to be unphased by this demotion, and instead a broad smile spreads across his face. “It was I who killed Marcob. Parfon was a distraction. While you idiots were busy with her, I injected him with a fast acting poison” he informs us snidely. He begins backing up towards Parfons cell as he talks, but the other guards get closer to him with every step. Finally we are at Parfon's cell. She is perched on the edge of the cot, sitting in a dainty manner wearing a smile. Mathis grabs something small from his pocket and throws it to Parfon. A burst of green smoke blows the cell door wide open and all of the guards, with the exception of Mathis stand stiff as board. I gasp in fear for what she will do, but she smiles that creepy smile once more.

Don't worry deary I won't kill you, I need you” she says slyly. I remain fear-stricken a she turns to Mathis and puts her hands into the air as she speaks, “Mathis, my good man. You have lived up to your word, betray the royal throne and free me, and you will have indefinite glory brought upon you when I rule. Oh, and I plan to rule. I plan to rule this entire realm!” she laughs and leans in closer to him. With stealth, I try to reach for a nearby guards sword, but she freezes me in place. “Are you ready for your reward?” she seductively asks Mathis with the tip of her nose pressed against his. Mathis seems ready for the kiss, but Parfon quickly pulls away and slices his throat with one swift flick of her wrist. He clutches his blood pouring throat momentarily before falling dead to the ground. With that more green smoke erupts and envelopes Parfon within it. Freed from my petrified state I snatch through smoke to try and grab hold of her, but she is gone. Phillip laughs hysterically at the chaos from his cell. Confusion and anger break out among the guards, but I let them know it will be alright. “Jeston get these guards back to their stations. I will tell the king of these events!” I instruct. “At once majesty” he says as he bows deeply. As I turn and climb the stairs, I can hear him barking orders at the guards.

Rushing around the castle looking for Cade, I stumble into Tulip. “Oof sorry! Have you seen Cade & Jax?” I ask quickly. “I haven't, I'm actually looking for Jax myself. I something important to tell him” she replies. “Well we can look together. Is everything alright?” I pry. Tulip goes red in the face. “I, um...what's new with you?” she stammers. I raise an eyebrow to show that I'm not convinced, but fill her in on what happened with Parfon. “Well that's much more important than my news” she blurts out. “Well I don't know about that, but we must find Cade quickly. What news do you have” I press. “My, my Nora! I never realized what a nosey friend I have” she teases. “You'll know soon enough. Now, c'mon!” she tugs at my arm.

Finally we find the men in the garden of all places. We see them off in the distance and Tulip calls out to them. Jax leaves his place at a run and joins us near the back entrance of the castle. Cade soon follows, and I tell them what's happened with Parfon. “That bitch!” Cade snarls before storming into the castle. “So he's got a plan?” Tulip asks. I give a shrug and tell them I'll catch up with them later. In our chambers, Cade paces back and forth angrily. “Anytime we get a little lead, we end up right back at the start!” he fumes. “I know sweetie. Honestly I think we should let Parfon and Carolin duke it out. Maybe one of them will kill the other, and then we'll have one less problem on our hands” I tell him as I gently rub his shoulder. “Ugh! Maybe you're right. You know what? Between you and me, I really just need a break. I just want to spend time with you, just us. Away from Parfon, Carolin, Trolls...all of it” he says looking out the window. “It'll all work out darling. You're such a strong man, and an excellent king. We all get overwhelemed sometimes. We just have to do the best we can, and let the chips fall where they may” I soothingly tell him. He reaches over and pulls me into a tender hug. “You know what I really need?” he whispers in my ear. I blush deeply, as he begins to kiss my neck. “But, darling shouldn't you be-” I start, but he cuts me off. “The only thing I should be doing right now, is making love to my beautiful wife” he says as he scoops me up in one motion. He kisses my lips, and I feel that electric spark I always get. He gently lays me on the bed, and takes his coat off. He disrobes me then himself, kissing and caressing me all the while. “I love you beautiful” he whispers sweetly in my ear. Before I know it, he's on top of me and the two of us our overcome with pleasure.

My eyes fly open suddenly, and I see Cade picking up a few books he must have knocked off the bookshelf. “Sorry hun. Enjoy the rest of your nap. I've got work to do” he apologizes. I tell him alright, and snuggle deeper into the covers as he leaves the room. I lay there with the late afternoon sun pouring through my window as it sets, and relive the past hour with Cade in my head. “I really got myself a good guy” I think to myself. Smiling like an idiot as I think of us together, I'm suddenly jolted from my thoughts. The amulet on my chest grows warm and a dizzy sensation takes hold of me. My eyes roll back in my head, and after months of nothing, I'm struck with a vision.

Now the sun has just dipped below the horizon, and a beautiful twilight colors the sky. Jax and Tulip stroll through the gardens hand in hand. “What do you make of all these new babies?” Tulip asks him. He gives her a smile and replies, “I think it's gonna be awfully noisy at the castle.” “Oh, hah. Yea...well that's not really what I meant” Tulip responds. They reach the center of the courtyards, and Jax takes her other hand in his, spinning her playfully. “Let's just enjoy this night, and not worry about everything else” he says happily. Tulip's hair seems to glow even more yellow than normal, and she laughs as she spins. He stops her, and they take a seat on the edge of the fountain. She looks up at the night sky that is littered with stars. “I need to talk to you about something important...” Jax starts. Tulip turns to him with a panicked look. She takes a deep breath, “Ok, but I really need to get something off my chest.” Jax looks at her with concern and asks “Is everything ok babe?” Tulip bursts into tears, “I just can't keep it from you any longer. I didn't wanna tell you, because I know it's not what you want. I didn't want you to be mad.” Jax pulls her into a hug and calms her. “Lippie you can tell me anything. Don't be afraid, we'll work it out, what ever it is.” She wipes her eyes and leans up to look at him. She glances off to the side, her eyes darting from Jax to the ground. “I know you don't want get tied down. I know you were probably relieved in a way when I miscarried with your child awhile back. But, I've been pregnant for a few months now....with your twins” she tells him. A look of pure astonishment spreads across his face.

Well, what do you think?” she asks nervously after a few moments pass. Jax's expression softens and he answers ”What I think...” he then slides off the edge of the fountain and down on to one knee, “...is that I want you to be my wife. I want to raise these wonderful children with you, and show you each day how much I love you. I know I've messed up bad in the past. I know I've been a complete ass. But, if you will let me I would like to make up for it from now until the rest of our lives...If you'll have me?” Tulip sits in disbelief. None of us ever thought Jax would settle down. “The bad boy, the flirt, that goofy guy that treats everything like a joke...now down on one knee ready to be husband and father?” I think to myself. Tulip clutches her heart in surprise, and gasps. She bursts into tears again nodding, while a wide smile covers Jax's face. “I'm sorry, it's the hormones. Yes darling, YES!” she finally gets out. Jax laughs and then kisses her tenderly. Just as they embrace the vision begins to fade and I grin from ear to ear.

“How absolutely wonderful” I think. I spring off of the bed happily. Catching my reflection in the mirror I pause, and notice my amulet. “Glad this thing seems to be working again. I wonder why it has suddenly started up again” I ask aloud. “Probably has something to do with Parfon leaving. Maybe her presence causes it not to work or something” Arthur says scaring me half to death. He laughs and apologies, “Sorry I didn't mean to startle you!” I softly chuckle and catch my breath, “Oh that's alright. You just surprised me is all. So, you've heard the news already?” Arthur nods, “I think everyone does. Cade is pretty angry about it, and he was talking to the lot of us downstairs. I was actually coming to see if you know where I can find Tulip? Bonnie is looking for her.” I smile broadly, “I do, but she's a little busy at the moment. I'll have one of the maids send her to Bonnie in a bit.” Arthur thanks me, and heads back into the hall.

I just can't believe it! Marriage, and twins for Tulip and Jax! How exciting!!” I say to my reflection in the mirror. The girl in the reflection does not smile back. Even though I speak words of joy for Jax and Tulip, the face staring back at me wears a solemn expression, and my hand slides over to my empty belly. Though I'm extremely happy for my dear friends, a wave of sadness spills over me. Tears fall from my eyes, and I plop down in front of the tall mirror sobbing.

I barely notice the sound of the door opening, or Cade's arms around me. He gently catches my face in his hands, and wipes my tears. A tender kiss follows, and I look into his eyes briefly. I glance away frowning, as tears continue to roll down my face. “My love, what's the matter? Who's hurt you?” he asks worriedly. I shake my head and try to compose myself. He helps me to my feet, and giving a sniff I reply as I trip over my words, “I....I can't...I just want to make you happy.” At this point, I stop and take a deep breath. Finally some composer comes to me, and I begin again. “My amulet is working again. Arthur seems to think it's because Parfon left, like maybe she had some sort of spell on it preventing it from working” I explain. Cade nods along as I speak, as though this is all makes sense to him. “I just saw Jax and Tulip in the courtyard gardens. She told him that she is pregnant with his twins, and his response was a propsal! I'm so very happy for them, and for the other couples that are having children. But...as you know we've been trying for some time now. I thought it wise to have the doctor check me out” I continue. At this my eyes find the floor and I finish, “Unfortunately he has informed me that I am no longer able to bear children...I'm so sorry, but I cannot give you an heir.” Tears once again spill from my eyes, and I cover my face in shame and heartache.

Cade's embrace surrounds me now, and he gentle strokes my hair. “Shh...my darling” he whispers in my ear. He leans me away from him holding my shoulders at arms length. “Look at me Nora...Look here!” he says searching for my eyes. “Yes..” I whisper with a waiver in my voice. “When we wed it was because I love you, and wanted you to be my wife. I want to share this life with you, through whatever it may bring us. If we are not to bear children, then so be it. I will love and honor you for the rest of my days. Don't let this worry you so!” he tells me lovingly. I nod as I wipe my tears, and he firmly kisses me. “Worry not, my love!” he says with a smile. Taking me by the hand he leads me downstairs, and I can only smile at him. “How lucky I am to have found such an incredible man” I think to myself.

Downstairs we find our friends talking excitedly about Jax and Tulip's news. “Shall we join them darling? If you're not up for it, it's fine” Cade whispers to me. “You go on ahead hun, I've got to talk to Cookie” I answer. He gives me a half smile, and a little pinch on the bottom. “Hey!” I say in surprise as I playfully swat him away. He grins sheepishly, then gives me a wink before joining the others.

*I quickly make my way to the servants kitchen to find Cookie, and find her standing over a large pot of stew. She's humming a spritely tune with much enthusiasum, and doesn't even notice me as I take a seat at the large wooden table. “Your singing brings a smile to my face” I interrupt. “OOOH! Good heavens majesty! You gave me a fright!” Cookie shrieks. I stiffle a giggle, and apologize as Marcie joins us. “I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sure you've heard of all the news circulating throughout the castle. Roonie and Luke are wanting to hold a ball in their kingdom of Learia. The kingdom is newly rebuilt, and I would like you to journey with us to assist their kitchen with the feast” I instruct. She nods and curtsies in understanding. “I understand that you are Cookie's most trusted kitchen aid?” I ask, turning to address Marcie. She blushes bright red and gives one hesitant nod. “Aye mum” she whispers. “Right, so you'll be in charge of the kitchen while Cookie is away” I further explain. I give them both a smile, and they curtsie.

I can still hear the chattering of my friends coming from the grand hall as I leave the kitchen, and I stand up tall putting away my personal problems. After all these are my best friends, and I'm very happy for them. My own sorrows won't cause me to be bitter towards them for it. Before I can join them however, I'm struck with a vision, a faint one. This vision is strange, and seems to be coming from a very far distance. The vision is almost translucent, and I can still see Brendlewood's hall. Slowly the vision focuses a bit more, and I can barely make out a figure hunched over in an empty room. This foggy vision doesn't give much for detail, but it seems the figure is a woman who's crying. The door of the room opens with a bang, and the woman whips around with a gasp! It's Shelly! Oh how I wish I could reach through the vision and hug my dear friend! Next thing, the vision shows a new scene. Shelly is sick, even throwing up blood. “Oh Shelly! You poor darling, where are you?” I wonder. Horrible sounds come from the vision now; sounds I can't make out. It begins to fade and blur, and Tulip's voice reaches my ears.

Did you finally have a vision? What happened? Are you ok?” Tulip questions in her excited mood. I look into Tulip's eyes, and for the first time she looks truly happy. Her lemon honey colored eyes sparkle with jubulance, and I smile. I can't take this moment from her with worry of Shelly. “It was hard to make out really...I'll ask Cade about it later” I tell her. She nods fervently as though she's excited we aren't talking about the vision after all. “I have news!” she squeals in a voice almost as high pitched as Roonie's. Not wanting to spoil the fun for her, I play dumb. “Oh? Do tell!” I reply eagerly. She begins rattling off details of the evening that I saw in my vision, but I try to act as though this is the first I'm hearing of it. “It's so exciting! I could be giving birth anytime now! There could be two new little ones running around Brendlewood Castle soon!” she delightedly informs me. “Wait what? How far along are you?” I ask confused. She laughs and her eyes light up even more “Yea! Well I'm a few months by now. I'm not exactly sure. I can just tell that it's almost time. If one or both faeries are of gifted fae it's not long after they conceive that the baby arrives. Not trying to toot the old horn, but Cirrus told me many times that my skills are of those from enchantress descent. I guess she was right” she explains. “But you don't even look pregnant!” I blurt before I can stop myself. She laughs, “Spells my friend. I didn't want anyone to know until I could tell Jax. I kept waiting because I was afraid of his reaction. Now we're getting close to time, and I knew I couldn't keep it secret much longer. Do you think I'm a bad faerie because I didn't tell him straight away?” I shake my head, “No, I don't. I mean you guys have been through so much.” Tulip gives me a wide grin, and throws her arms around me in a bear hug. “You're such a great friend Nora! C'mon let's join the others” she tells me enthusiastically.

So now we have more little ones on the way!” Roonie chimes in pointing at Tulip's belly. “Now it's your turn Nora! Plans for any-” Roonie tries to continue, but Cade cuts her off. “Well I congratulate you Jax and Tulip! The best to you both! Now I think we need some dinner” he interjects. Tulip glances at him as though she knows he's bothered by Roonie's comment, but she doesn't say anything except thank you. He motions for a maid and instructs her to let Cookie know we'll be taking our dinner in the patio wing. “I'm going to go check on the children. We should probably be going home” Bonnie announces, and Arthur says he'll join her. 

“Now just where do you think you're going? Those cousin's will need bonding time! You must stay for dinner! Right Nora? Cade?” Roonie pipes. “In fact I think you may have outgrown Brendlewood's village. The school is running well here, and well with Learia recently being rebuilt, I think we could use your help Bonnie. Our school number's are very low indeed. What do you say to moving to Learia?” Luke adds. Arthur and Bonnie exchange looks. “But, what about the children? When would she be able to care for them?” Arthur asks. “We know you enjoy the village life, but perhaps you could stay with us at the castle. That way the nurses can care for the little ones, and you can still do what you love. You can always move to the village or back to Brendlewood once the school is better established or your little ones are a bit older. What do you think?” Roonie suggests. “We'll certainly think on it. I do enjoy helping the children learn, and Brendlewoods school is thriving with Miss Kencie and Ms. Petson running it” Bonnie mentions. “We'll see you at dinner” Luke calls as the two couples make their way to the staircase, all talking excitedly about Learia.

Jax makes conversation with Cade about the results of some local wrestling match in the village, and Tulip's attention turns to me. She looks at me with concern, and pulls me to the side. “Is everything ok Nora?” she questions. I give her my best smile, but it doesn't fool her. “Oh you stop that. I know something is bothering you. Please tell me what it is” she presses. “Ok, well it's a few things actually. Please know that I am very happy for you, and everyone that recently had children. I just...well I spoke with the royal doctor, and he's told me I won't be able to become pregnant. I just told Cade this morning, and he took it well. But, I just feel horrible” I blabber mindlessly. Realizing that I've said too much, I cover my mouth, and then apologize. “Oh Nora, I'm sorry. Please don't apologize, I know this must be hard for you” she comforts. “I just don't get it, Cirrus told me something before she took her final leave. Something about a son...but the doctor just gave me this news. I just...” I sniff hard to keep from crying, but Tulip smiles. She catches herself and hides it quickly. “Why on earth are you smiling at my misery?” I snap without thinking. “I'm not! I-I'm sorry. I just know that beings can be wrong sometimes” she says somewhat mysteriously. “Wait do you mean Cirrus was wrong, or the doctor?” I quickly ask. “We will have to see. Just don't give up yet Nora” she tells me comfortingly.

I nod and go on, “I'm also worried about Shelly...I got a weird vision of her” I begin. As I begin to explain the vision, Cade and Jax join in our conversation. After learning what I've seen, the four of us stand quietly a moment. “Were there any details in the background? Maybe a clue as to where she could be?” Cade asks. “Well it's hard to tell. In one scene she seems to be in a castle or cell room, but then it looks like she's in the woods somewhere. I just can't tell” I explain to them as I begin to tear up. “Don't worry, we're going to find her, Thatcher, and Juliana too! I've had enough of this Carolin woman and her goons!” Jax says angrily. The rest of us agree and Tulip tells me to let them know the moment I have another vision. “I'm just glad it's working again!” I say a bit relieved.

Dinner is served majesties” Marcie announces. “Thank you Marcie. C'mon let's get some food in our stomachs. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!” Jax kids. The others laugh lightly, and turn to head for the back yards. “I'll go get everyone from upstairs” I offer. Cade kisses my cheek, and follows Jax and Tulip outside. I let out a sigh, gather my skirts and begin  to climb the stairs. Trying to put on a happy face for everyone, but it's hard sometimes. Though I am truly happy for them, I can't help but get lost in a daydream of having a child with Cade. When I get to the landing I pause suddenly. My amulet has turned a deep red hue, and another vision surrounds me. A lavish bed chamber comes into view. No village room would be so elegantly decorated, so this must belong to a castle. I hear Shelly's voice now, but she doesn't seem as though she's in trouble this time. A man's voice can be heard, their conversation seems of a loving nature. “She's found Thatcher surely!” I think to myself. She leans forward and he wraps his arms around her waist, but as he comes into focus I realize that it's not Thatcher at all. Shelly and Lestat embrace, and follow it with a passionate kiss. “NORA!” a voice calls, “Nora! Are you ok?” Shelly and Lestat disappear and Roonie's face comes into view. “I said, are you alright?” she asks again. I nod, but feel disoriented. Apparently during the vision, I lost my balance and fell to the floor of the landing. “Ow...my arm” I mumble grasping at my bruised elbow. Luke appears beside us, and offers a hand to get me to my feet. “Another vision?” he asks. “Yes, I think I know where your mother is...or at least was. It's not much, but it's a start” I tell him. I mention about dinner, and send a maid to fetch Bonnie and Arthur.

The evening breeze is cool on the courtyard patio. The gardens' flowers are lush, and vibrant under the evening sky as we join the others for dinner. “What a beautiful night!” Roonie exclaims. Cade and Jax rise upon our arrival, and Cade helps me to my seat. “I had another vision just now on the landing. I didn't even know it was coming, and I guess I fell during it” I tell everyone once we're settled. “Oh gosh! Are you ok?” Tulip asks quickly. The other's look on with nervous expressions, but I reassure them I'm fine. I fill them in on the details from the vision, and my guess that she's at some castle. “Well we know it's not Castlerock...because it was destroyed. Do you think Thatcher has found the baby? I wonder if he has caught up to Shelly” Tulip thinks aloud. “Who knows? But, It can't be Learia, it's just now been re-established, surely not an ideal place to try to hide prisoners” Luke mentions. “Honestly I think if it were Dragon Valley, Shelly would be dead by now...and we would have heard about it. That Carolin likes to boast you know?” Arthur adds. “Ok so that leaves Stone Ridge and Blue Haven...” Jax says stroking the hair on his chin. “She's the new Queen of Blue Haven, so that would be her home...would someone hold her prisoner there?” Bonnie wonders. “That does sound like a good reason to hold her hostage there, but remember I saw her with Lestat. The last place we saw him was in Stone Ridge...what business has he in Blue Haven?” I bring up. “I just can't figure out why she would do this to Thatcher! And, with Lestat of all people!” Roonie squeaks.

Everyone chatters about the vision, and argues over where we should look first. The evening carries on and the kitchen maids come collect our empty dinner plates, offering dessert. With only enough available guards to send one search party, we're forced to choose between the two kingdoms. They are on the opposite side of the realm from one another, and we can't afford to be wrong. But, which should we chose; Blue Haven or Stone Ridge” I wonder to myself.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

TWT Chapter - 3

- The Legend of the Stars -

"Long ago, when the universe was new, earth had no moon of it's own. The brightest star known as Love looked upon the wars between the people of fire (Thermo), earth (Clay), and sea (Flux) and the devastation deeply saddened her. Love searched the stars to find others to help her stop these wars, and finally found six friends to aid her in this quest. For many years they watched as the Fluxians plotted the takeover of fire and earth. "One day we shall rule this planet entirely!" their leader had shouted. The Fluxians started battle with Thermo, cutting off their food supply. Because of this, Thermic people began destroying crops of the people of Clay. This forced them to seek food from the sea, and the Fluxians struck back as the Clayish fed on the creatures of the waters. The three groups fought violently against one another as they tried to stop the people of the sea from wiping them out completely. "This must end before they destroy the planet" Love told the other stars. The seven stars of Love, Courage, Creativity, Leadership, Fear, Gloom, and Strength agreed to help and combined their powers of light, and the Moon was born. Its lunar pull kept the sea people of Flux secluded to the waters and weakened their powers. The Thermic and Clayish put aside their differences for a time. No amends were made, but they agreed to keep away from one another for the sake of peace.

Following the eclipse, the star of Fear overheard the Fluxians plotting an attack for the Moon and quickly informed the other Stars. The group of Stars decided to form their own citizens to protect the Moon, but they argued about which star these Moonlings should be modeled after. Finally the star of Creativity had a clever idea, and suggested that the Moonlings represent traits of all 7 stars. Each star took their traits and placed them together. When the next eclipse came the Moonlings were born, but to the stars surprise they didn't carry one specific trait. Some of them were born of one, while some born with two or three traits. The Moonlings took residence upon the Moon itself. They were intelligent beings, and soon formed villages that housed the people of the different traits. Some of the Moonlings were uncertain which trait was their dominant and so the stars placed a large statue in the town center with a plaque that read :

Star Traits 
"Do you know who you are?"
LOVE : Peace & Kindness
                                      LEADERSHIP :  Stoicism & Knowledge                                
 COURAGE : Bravery & Protection
  CREATIVITY : Helpfulness & Perspective 
FEAR : Prepared & Cautious
   GLOOM : Empathic & Gravity Control
STRENGTH : Willfulness & Power

Time passed and all seemed to be well, but the star of Strength was soon driven mad by the threats of the Fluxians, and broke away from the other Stars. The Moon soon had a battle of its own and giant craters were formed from the firing of explosives. In the end Strength was defeated and he fled far into the shadows of the universe. The gravitational pull of the Moon was only slightly weakened by Strength's absence, but there was talk that some of the Fluxians had began seeping out of their watery home. The Stars, seeking to put a stop to this, gathered Moonlings of purely one trait. These were named  the Mascon, after the dense core of the Moon. They chose one Mascon of each full star trait and sent them to earth. However when the Masconese entered the earth's stratosphere they disintegrated in it's unfamiliar substance. The Stars and residents of the Moon wept for their lost citizens. 

Those of the Creative star began working on a new idea, and after several attempts, they came up with a plan. They searched the earth for a strong, pure human, one of innocence and love. One that could stop these wars among the planet and bring peace to its people. Again the Stars chose 7 Masconese and they channeled their energy together. A beam of light erupted from them, and they sent it down to earth. As it was however, they could not find a human being that possessed the qualities necessary, and so many years went by as they continued their search. One of the elders of the star of Gloom was struck with a foretelling vision of the human being. She shared this with the Stars, and they displayed it safely in the capital of the Moon. 

Vision of Gloom
When found she'll have us shine so bright;
Staining her eyes to blue; hair to white.
Brought here by us to live and learn;
Raised as Moonling then returned.
Scars of earth she will mend;
One day this war she'll finally end.  

Abbott Winterdale stood in absolute shock as Dovie finished reading the excerpt from the book. Brietta looked worried but dare not speak, while Dovie stared at the page in disbelief. "Do you think this is true?" Bo finally asked. "I don't know...If I would have read this last week, I would have said it's pure nonsense. But, after what we saw in the meadow, I can't help feeling like maybe it could be real" Dovie said flatly. Abbott thought for a few moments, and furrowed his brow. "It's Arista, it's got to be! It's the only thing that explains where she's been" Bo says frantically. Brietta and Dovie glanced at each other uncertainly, but Brietta asked, "W-What should we do?" "Well first things first, we've got to get back to Mom. She's gonna be getting worried and looking for us" Dovie pointed out. They agreed to head back to the library, but discussed what to do about the book. Mr. Carrigan could be heard shuffling around nearby, and came around the corner with a smile. "Did you kids find something ya like?" he asked. "Well, uh this book-" Dovie started, but Mr. Carrigan cut her off. He waved his hand and shook his head, "I've never seen that book in my life." Brietta piped up, "I-It was hidden in that painting. Shouldn't we p-pay you for it?" But Renwo Carrigan laughed, "Books hidden in paintings! Whoever heard of such a thing? As for that book, well I can't charge ya for something that I've never seen. Now you kids run along if you're not purchasing any antiques." The three of them thanked him, wrapped Dovie's book cover over the book, and quickly left the shop to meet up with Giana. 

Back at home they hid the book in Dovie's room, knowing that in that mess, it wouldn't be easy for someone else to find it. "I think we should leave tonight to go find Arista" Bo told the girls as they gathered in Dovie's room. "But we don't even know where to start looking for her. Plus if the story is true, she could still be with those Moon people" Dovie explained. "T-That's it! This is getting out of control!" Brietta said angrily. The others looked at her in surprise, for Brietta never raised her voice like that. She rose from her place on the bed, and stormed out of the room. Dovie and Bo jumped up to follow her, and caught her in the hall. "What are you doing?" Dovie said hastily. "Mother needs to know what's going on!" Brietta snapped. "Brietta please don't! She won't believe us, she'll never let us go look for my sister" Bo huffed. "I-I think you're wrong. I think she can help us. Plus, I don't think we s-should go wandering off like that. I'm the oldest, and it's my job to look after you two" Brietta explained. "Ok listen, I didn't tell you two yet, but I'm being sent away in a few days. Sent to visit my grandparents on the other side of the country. I have a feeling though, that it won't be just a visit, and they'll make me stay. If that happens, I'll never get to look for Arista" he told them downheartedly. "What? I can't believe they are sending you away! Grandma and Grandpa Caprice are supposed to be visiting soon! I know they will want to see you!" Dovie said in a grouchy tone. Abbott frowned, "I can't do anything about it. It's all been decided for me." The floorboards gave a creak, and they noticed Denver climbing the stairs. "I see you've gotten around to telling your cousins about your vacation" he pointed out. "I think we both know it won't just be a vacation" Bo thought to himself. "Yes, Papa. He's just told us" Dovie answered. "I see. Well that's just it. I've come to find you, and tell you to begin your packing. I'm afraid Gentry has moved up her dates and wants you on your way tomorrow. There's some convention scheduled for the original leave date, and it just didn't work for them. I'm sorry bud" Mr. Caprice informed him as he gave his nephew a few pats on the shoulder. "P-Papa, can we talk to you a minute?" Brietta started, but Bo shot her a look that stopped her abruptly. Dovie noticed and jumped in quickly, "Yea! Why's he have to go anyhow?" Her father told Bo to get along and pack, and that his aunt would do any washing he needed. Bo sighed angrily and marched off towards his room. As he did so, he could hear his uncle explaining the situation to his cousins.

In his room he paced back and forth wondering what to do. He thought maybe he should just run away, but where would he go? He didn't have the first clue where to start searching for his sister. All he knew was that if what the book said was real, he was sure it was talking about Arista. Dovie could probably be talked into coming, but he knew Brietta would never be convinced. If Brietta didn't go, surely Dovie wouldn't leave her, so he knew he would have to go alone. "I'll sneak out after everyone has gone to sleep" he decided. He packed his belongings, and wandered downstairs to tell his aunt and uncle goodnight. Back in his room he sat propped in his bed reading a book, waiting for the house to fall asleep. Halfway through Chapter 6 of 'Look Out! Dinosaur's!" he noticed a strange sound coming from the other side of the room. When he got up to investigate, it seemed as though the sound was coming from the fish tank.

Abbott leaned down eye level with the fish tank, and strained his ears to hear the sound. He concentrated hard, and soon the water began to bubble in the tank. He drew in his breath in surprise, as he heard the sound again. Now he could make out a voice. It almost sounded like words, and he concentrated even harder to make out what the voice was saying. The voice was deep, and every time it spoke the water in the tank rippled. Abbott first pressed his hand against the tank, then dipped a hand into the water. The fish began swimming around the tank quickly, hiding under rocks and between the fake seaweed plants. This time when the voice spoke, Bo understood every word as clear as a bell. "Well good evening young man. I knew a smart fellow like yourself would figure out how to listen to me" the voice told him. "Who...are you?" Bo asked nervously. "My people call me Mizuko" he answered proudly. "I see, and how are you talking to me right now? Where are you? Where do you come from? Why are you he-" Bo tried to ask. "Enough questions! They told me you would have many. You will learn all of this in time. For now, just listen. I do believe I can help you" Mizuko explained.  Not sure if he should ask how Mizuko could help him, Bo simply waited for him to continue. "Good lad. Always were one to follow instructions well. So, let's just say someone's lookin' out for ya...sent you a friend. One that can help you find your sister..." he continued. 

Without thinking Bo blurted out, "Tell me where my sister is!" Mizuko laughed, "Listen kid I don't have coordinates on her or something. I just know who you can talk to, maybe they can help." Abbott nodded eagerly, "Ok well at least that's a start. But, surely you can give me more details about how this is all happening. I mean you don't expect me to just go along with all of this do you?" "Listen kid, for all you know this could be a dream. The way I see it, you've got two choices. One, you can ask me a bunch of questions, and think this is all nonsense. Go live with your Grandparents, and forget about your sister forever. Or two, we can quit playing twenty questions, and you can leave right now and at least attempt to find her" he explained. "No, I have to find her. I have to at least try. What do I need to do?" Bo asked quickly. "Go to Quinston, and find a woman by the name of Laraya. She will have some information for you about where to start looking. You should meet with her soon though. She's an old woman, and her health is fading quickly" Mizuko mentioned. "Ok thank you, I'll leave right away!" Bo said excitedly. "You should kno-" Mizuko began, but Bo had already started to pull his hand from the water, and could no longer hear him. Realizing what happened, he quickly shoved his hand back into the bowl, but Mizuko's voice was gone. "Rats..." Bo whispered to himself. "H-Having another dream?" Brietta's voice called from the doorway. Abbott whipped around quickly, "No..not quite." 

The next few minutes were spent filling Brietta in on what had just happened. After he was finished, she sat quietly thinking. When she finally spoke she did so slowly as though she wasn't sure what to say exactly. "Well..I tried to talk to my parents. Don't worry, I didn't tell them anything. I-I kind of just asked about some things in general. They didn't seem to know anything. T-Told me it sounded like something from a good fairy tale" Brietta commented. Abbott huffed, "I still can't believe you would mention anything to them about this stuff." "T-The reason that I am telling you this is that I think we're on our own with this. I-If you want to go find Arista, I'll join you" she continued. At this he sprung off the bed with excitement. "You mean it!? That's awesome news! I'm leaving tonight...already got my stuff packed" he said excitedly. "M-Me too. We just need to get Dovie packed up. We can leave soon, a-and head off to Quinston" Brietta added.

An hour later the three of them were packed up, and their backpacks strapped to them securely. None of them knew exactly what was in store for them on this journey, but they knew it was better than sitting at home while Bo was shipped off, to be molded into one of those money hungry businessmen his grandparents hung around with. It was worth a try to at least attempt to find Arista, and if what this book said was true, maybe they had a chance. As they traveled down the road single file, a note for Mr. & Mrs. Caprice lay on the kitchen table back home. It read :

   "Dear Mother and Father, We all love you so. We couldn't let Bo be shipped off to live with his grandparents forever. We've gone to look for Arista. Please don't worry. We will be careful, and contact you soon.

                                                                With all our love,

                                                                  Brietta, Dovie, & Bo

The crisp morning air surrounded them, and Bo pulled his jacket around him a little tighter. This time of morning was very quiet, even the air was still. The deep darkness of the night sky was now a lighter blue. A thin fog hung in the air and the scenery was decorated with little dew drops. The book was safely tucked in Brietta's pack. There was no way they were letting Dovie keep it with her things. The book would be covered in all kinds of a mess. The two had argued about it briefly, and compromised by letting Dovie tote some of the snacks. ...The individually wrapped snacks, that is. Brietta brought along a worn looking bag about the size of a pencil pouch. It was filled to the brim with cash. "M-My apartment fund. It's a worthy cause to use it for" she had explained to the others. They protested but she explained that it was her money to use as she wished, and this is what she wanted to do. Abbott brought along a map of the local area, a compass, and flashlight with plenty of batteries. Each of them brought as much as they could that would be useful to their journey. Unfortunately without being able to travel by car, they brought only what they could carry on their backs. "Just bring three outfits, and an extra pair of shoes. We need the rest of the space to bring things we'll need on the trip, like food and supplies" Dovie had suggested while packing. The pavement beneath their feet turned to gravel, and soon to dirt as they made their way through the dense forest. The sun peaked through the tree's every now and then but because of the thick canopy of branches and leaves, it remained quite shady on the forest floor. "It feels like we've been traveling for hours, but at the same time it feels as though we've just begun. I think what we need is a snack" Dovie suggested. The other two laughed and dug out a few granola bars from her pack. "Actually we've been traveling for about 3 and a half hours now" Bo informed her.

More and more time passed as the forest became meadows, and open fields. The children remarked about the beauty of it all, and when mid-afternoon arrived they stopped for a picnic under the shade of a lone tree. The field was large with millions of tiny purple flowers stretching as far as the eye could see. In the distance huge mountains lined the horizon, and Abbott pointed towards them between bites of peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Any idea where we're headed now?" Dovie asked as she dug through the bag to find the map. "Well the maps don't give a whole lot of info on these parts, just major towns and such. I think we should continue heading east, it's just a hunch but it's better than nothing" Abbott pointed out. Dovie searched the book for any information on Laraya, or Quinston but had no luck. Brietta sat quietly listening to the two go back and forth over this information, and when she had heard enough she decided to speak up. "L-Listen you guys, I don't know if this is such a good idea. I mean it would be different if we had a solid plan, or clear d-direction of where to go. Maybe we should go back..." Abbott whipped around quickly, "I'm not gonna argue with you the whole way Bri! After all this time, we finally have at least some kind of lead on where my sister could be. Now you wanna just turn back? Turn back to what? A life where I'm shipped off to be trained as a shady businessman? If you don't want to be here then you are welcome to turn back! But, as for me, I'll never stop until I find out what happened to my sister!" With that he shoved his belongings into his pack and took off towards the woods at a run. "Bo, wait!" Dovie said getting to her feet. She started after him, but Brietta caught her by the arm, "Just let him go, he won't go far." 

Brietta knew that what Abbott needed most when he was upset, was some time to process things; clear his mind. Chasing after him right now would only drive him further away. But, Davita yanked her arm from her sister's loose hold. "What exactly is your problem Brietta? I mean like he said, we finally have something to go on. Sure it might not be full proof, but it's something." Brietta huffed angrily, "I think he just needs a few minutes to cool off.." Dovie folded her arms, "So you're just going to let him march off into that huge forest in a strange place all alone? You know what I think? I think you're scared! I think maybe you don't care at all about finding Arista! You always try to do the right thing, but maybe the right thing is going after her! Bo's right, you should just go back!" Brietta scowled at her sister, with hurt and anger flooding her veins. The truth of the matter was that Dovie was right, Brietta was terrified. 

Of course she cared about finding Arista! Abbott was like a brother to her, and she couldn't bare the thought that they may never find Arista. "It would crush him" she had told herself. As hard as it was for the younger ones to accept, there was a very good possibility that Arista was dead. She simply wanted to keep Abbott and Davita safe. "How d-dare you! I can't believe you would sa-" Brietta started, but she was interrupted by a scream from Davita. The wind had picked up in the meadow, boy had it picked up. Dirt and dust flew through the air, swirling and twirling more rapidly with each second. The lone tree began to whip back and forth violently as the wind spun faster and faster. The girls flung themselves to the ground as a tornado like wind rushed around them. Picnic things flew past them, and they covered their heads with their arms. Then, quick as it came, the wind had settled. The meadow was quiet once more, with only the chirping of the birds in the distance. 

"I do apologize. My arrival is not one of delicacy" a calm voice said breaking the silence. The two girls rose, and stared at the woman before them. Her sandy blonde hair stretched down to her ankles and her sea-green eyes peered back at them happily. "I mean no harm to you. Only a warning to be sent" she spoke again. "W-What's your name?" Brietta inquired. "I am called, Raisia. I come here to warn you. The boy that accompanies you is being mislead. The Fluxians wish him to join in their plans for destruction. You must not let that happen" she explained. "How are we supposed to stop this?" Dovie asked abruptly. "W-Where did you come from?" Brietta added. "We have to find his sister! Do you know where she is? Dovie interrupted. Brietta nodded and said, "Y-Yes! Do you know where to find her? Where are the Fluxian people? H-How do-" "SILENCE!" Raisia said sternly, she then returned to her calm demeanor and continued, "All of these questions. You do have the book do you not?" The girls answered with a nod, and Dovie dared to speak again. "Um...yes may we ask you some questions?" she asked timidly. 

The woman answered, "You may ask but three." Davita and Brietta exchanged surprised looks, and Brietta repeated, "Three?" Raisia frowned slightly, "Yes girl, three. I haven't all day to answer questions. I have important matters elsewhere." At this Brietta grew quiet, and it was Dovie who asked the first question, "Where do you come from?" Raisia laughed softly, "What a strange question to ask in this dilemma. I come from the land of Clay. I, like you, am of the earth. Our dwelling is a gathering at the base of a canyon. It's quite beautiful there actually. The castle is most unique! The King had it carved from the side of the canyon so that part of it extends out over the town."  "Oh your Clayish?" Dovie asked. "Yes, and for your final question?" Raisia inquired. "Wait, we've only asked one q-question" Brietta spoke up. "Mmm...I think not dear. You sister has now asked two" the woman pointed out. Brietta glanced at her sister in frustration. "Well, we are trying to find a woman named Laraya. Mizuko said she-" Brietta started. But, Raisia cut her off quickly. "MIZUKO?! That deviant!" Raisia yelled. At that dirt shot up from the ground forcefully, and the wind spun even more violently than before. The girls were flung to the ground, but the woman stood perfectly still in it's power. Her hair swirled above her head like a tornado and she spoke over the rushing wind. "STOP THE BOY!" she wailed. Then, once more quick as she came, she vanished. The girls stood in awkward silence for a moment. Then Davita joked, "Well, she was pleasant." Brietta didn't laugh, and no trace of a smile came to her lips. She simply stated, "We can't turn back. Let's go find Bo." 

Bo had long entered the forest by this time, and he had no intention of turning back for the others. "I'm not stopping till I find her.." he said to himself as he left the tall straw-colored grass of the meadow. The sounds of his cousins were lost in the envelope of the woods, and his anger drove him. He moved quickly through the forest, stepping over roots and ducking beneath low hanging branches. The forest grew quite thick as he continued, and the sun was all but lost beneath the dense forest canopy. He had come across a hollow log that served as a good thinking spot. He sat stewing as he picked up a stick, and absentmindedly pulled it back and forth through a nearby puddle. The water rippled, and the puddles size grew larger. It morphed into a warped shape now, and it's definition grew sharp until finally it wasn't a puddle at all. In front of him now stood two figures. A tiny woman and a tall slender man. Both wore the same style uniform as the man Bo and his cousins saw at the river. Both wore the same water badge pinned to their outfit, and both stood silently before him. "You disturb the waters sir" the woman spoke. Her voice was soft and smooth, like the melody of some lullaby. "Uh...I'm sorry?" Bo stated uncertainly. "Apologies are not required sir. We are Yaritza and Cashel of Flux. I implore you, a message need you hear" the man called Cashel began. His voice had a youthful tone but he was a man surely in his thirties or more. "You seek one, Laraya for your sister's location?" Yaritza asked. Abbott nodded in agreement, and dropped the stick in his hand. "You will find her down this path. East at the fork" she informed him. "Thank you. Um, can I ask why you're here?" Bo asked carefully. At this the two of them shared a smile. "Mizuko said you would have questions" Cashel grinned. "Mizuko!? You know him? He's the one that told me about Laraya!" Bo said excitedly. "Friends...with Mizuko? Oh, sir what an honor that would be! Sadly, no. Mizuko is one of the head advisors to the High Rule. We are but low level informants, but we know of hearsay around the kingdom" Yaritza explained in a flustered state.

"Oh, I was just wondering. He told me to find Laraya, and that she has info about my sister's whereabouts. Why do you keep calling me sir?" Abbott asked with chuckle. "It is for the reason we were seeking you sir. We Fluxians are under rule of a grand sea creature called Eleck. He is a powerful and fierce leader, but his grand advisors have been misguiding him. He means for you and your sister to join him as his new grand advisors and help put a stop to all of this war between us, the people of Thermo and Clay" Cashel tells him.

"The book said that your people were causing destruction to those people, and that you wanted to over take the earth" Abbott said without thinking. Yaritza extended her hand quickly in a claw like position and said angrily, "How dare you!" Cashel grabbed her arm, and quickly lowered it to her side. He spun round in front of her so that Abbott couldn't see their faces. "It's ok Yaritza. He is just repeating what he's read in the book." He ran his hand gently across her cheek to sooth her, and she nodded. "I'm...I'm sorry about that. That silly book isn't entirely correct. Our people have been trying to divide the earth up equally between Fluxian, Thermic, and Clayish for years. The ancestor's only fought to bring peace to the lands. Please find your sister and join us. Eleck hopes to bring fair division to these groups" she explained further. "You want us? I mean we're just kids...I mean I'd love to help, but I don't know what I can offer to your leader" Bo said insecurely. "Your talents and skill are desirable for leadership influence. You may be more than you know" Cashel stated. "Ok...well anything to help I guess. First things first though, I need to find Arista" he responded. "Then seek Laraya. Find your sister, and journey to the city of Flux" Yaritza instructed. Then, it was if the two of them liquified into water, and fell into the puddle before Abbott. He stood there, perplexed at this for a moment before taking off through the forest again.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Chapter 48

Six long months pass, and Brendlewood castle operates as normal. It is almost as though we are cut off from the rest of the realm. With Parfon and Phillip locked in the dungeons no strange events occur, and no dangerous threats present themselves. The villager's begin referring to this as "The Time of Peace". But surely it isn't, for our dear friends are still lost. My visions have all but stopped, and there has been no new leads on our friends or our enemies. With nearly all of Brendlewood's troops occupied on previous missions, there are no more we can spare to send out. Several groups are given new orders to search for the missing people, but no word has been received. 

Roonie waddles up to me as I make my way to the grand hall. "Nora! I think my  water has broken! Where is Luke?" she breathlessly exclaims. "He's gone fishing with Arthur. Just stay calm. I'll send a guard to fetch them, and get Midi straight away!" I reassure her. Soon Midi and I get Roonie safely nestled in a bed, and the doctor arrives. "Looking well Roonie! Ready to have a baby today?" he asks playfully. Roonie gives an uncertain nod, and glances around nervously. "Don't worry Roonie. You will do just fine" I smile as I sweep the hair from her eyes. "I'm here! I'm here my darling!" Luke announces as the door swings open with a  bang, and he and the others enter the room excitedly. Roonie bursts into tears telling him that she's afraid. Her high-pitched hiccups and cries are almost incomprehensible, but Luke understands each word. "I know darling, I know. You're doing a great job, and soon our child will be here" he says in a calming tone. After what seems like forever, the doctor announces that she's ready to deliver the baby, and we respectfully wait outside of the room. Luke of course remains by her side, and her cries seem to echo throughout the entire castle. 

Arthur, Bonnie, Jax, Tulip, Cade and I gather in a room nearby, waiting for the delivery of the prince or princess of Learia. "Poor Roonie. Sounds like it's a rough delivery" Tulip says rather solemnly. Jax takes her hand and gives it squeeze, "I'm sure she's fine" he whispers. "Well I could use something to eat" Arthur mentions as he rub his belly. Bonnie frowns and slugs him in the arm firmly, "How are you thinking of food right now? Our friend, your sister is in there in agony!" He gives his arm a rub, wincing briefly, "Ow! Your gonna get it now" he kids. Reaching out to tickle her she jumps up and giggles, "Nooo!" Cade rolls his eyes, "Ha! Those too, always goofin' around". I sit quietly listening to yet another friend of mine give birth, and wonder if I will ever be with child again. "What if I never have an heir to the Brendlewood throne? Surely Bonnie wouldn't be able to take over, since she is not a blood relative of the king" I think to myself. "Psst" Cade signals, as he gently nudges my side. "I know what you're thinking. Don't worry babe, it will happen for us. I just know it". I try to give a smile, and rest my head on his shoulder. We've been trying so long now, I just don't know if it will ever happen. Suddenly an ear-piercing scream is heard coming from the delivery room, and a nearby vase shatters. The group exchanges worried and surprised looks. Tulip gasps and rises to her feet, "Something terrible has happened. I can feel it!" 

Luke emerges from the room, with a solemn expression on his face. "W-We lost the baby..." he manages to softly say. Shock spreads across the room at the news, and Tulip darts into the delivery room. We follow suite and find Roonie passed out in the bed, a lifeless baby in a nearby bassinet. As we start questioning Midi and the doctor to find out what happened, Tulip takes a look into the bassinet. "Sweet baby..." I hear her whisper. Suddenly she gets a look on her face, one that seems as though she's been struck with an idea. She fumbles for something in her enchantment pouch and pulls out a small purple bag. "Sleeping child so fair and small. Now breath of life, come back to us all" she whispers. She sprinkles the powder over the baby, but the child remains still. "You did your best" I tell her as I join her by the bassinet. "How am I ever going to help the kingdom at this rate? Cirrus wasn't done instructing me when she was taken from us" she tells me. "Because you have a pure heart, and use your powers for good. You feel what needs to be done, and follow through courageously" I reply encouragingly. 

A sound from the bassinet interrupts us, and we look upon the baby whose chest suddenly rises with a breath of air. He wiggles around, eyes still closed, and let's out a gentle cry. "Cirrus would be proud!" I tell Tulip and we clap our hands together in joy. Tulip blushes deeply, and Jax pulls her into a hug, "You're amazing darling! TRULY AMAZING!" The others exclaim joyful comments, but Luke stands in silence. He stares down at the handsome baby boy with tears filling his eyes. Tears fall onto the child and he slowly opens his eyes as Luke reaches out and takes his newborn son into his arms. Midi smiles sweetly and approaches Luke slowly, "Sire might I clean and swaddle him for you?" Luke gives a nod, and walks over to Tulip with a serious expression across his face. "Dearest friend, loyal enchantress, myself and the kingdom of Learia is forever in your debt. Your every wish will be filled to the best of our abilities. I humbly thank you from the bottom of my heart" he says straight-faced. Luke then drops to his knee, and hangs his head in the deepest of bows. Everyone looked on in absolute disbelief, for never has a King bowed to someone of lower stature. Tulip stumbles over her words thanking him, going red in the cheeks. 

Midi returns with the young prince of Learia, and handed him to his father. "There ya are majesty. He's healthy as a horse!" she smiles. Luke beams and takes a seat bedside to Roonie. She stirs slightly, and opens her eyes. "Oh Luke, I'm so sorry. I tried to give you a child" she whispers solemnly. "Maroon, darling Roonie. Our son lives! The wonderful enchantress Tulip has rescued him" Luke exclaims excitedly. Roonie sits up quickly, wincing slightly, "W-What?!" She covers her mouth with both hands as she notices the child wiggling about. She bursts into tears and waves Tulip over to her. "My dear friend, I love you so! How can I ever thank you or repay you? I am truly in your debt. Bless you, truly!" She squeals in absolute joy. Tulip hugs her tightly, "I'm glad I could help. I love you my sweet friend." Luke hands Roonie the child and she grins from ear to ear. The child's brown eyes glisten as he stares up at his mother, and he coo's softly. "Maroon hair, like his Momma. Shall we give him a name dear?" Luke asks. The two whisper together for a few minutes and turn to us with large smiles. "May we present Prince Everett Davis Lioncourt" Luke announces. "Rhett for short" Roonie chimes in as they search our faces eagerly waiting our thoughts. My opinionated daughter, Bonnie speaks up first, "Well it's certainly a mouthful, but I like it." Everyone pipes up about what a grand name it is, and take turns holding the little prince of Learia. 

Midi returns with an envelope for Luke, and informs him that his and Roonie's meal will be served in the delivery room, so as to give them time together as a family. Luke reads the letter thoroughly and replies, "Wonderful news of Learia's condition. The royal courts have advised me that the town is in good shape and growing quickly. They have advised it is safe for my return. In a few days time we will journey to Learia. Our kingdom will be awaiting their new prince. But don't you worry we will visit Brendlewood quite often" Luke tells everyone. Cade shakes his hand firmly, "We welcome you any time brother. I trust you will join with us to take care of this Dragon Valley nonsense?" Luke nods, "Of course my friend! I'm just glad my royal courts have been doing their best rebuilding our kingdom. Finally we have a royal guard, to stand with our Brendlewood neighbors." Bittersweet congratulations are shared at the news of Luke and Roonie's return to Learia. 

"Midi, please return correspondence to the royal court to prepare for the royal ceremonies for Prince Rhett" Luke instructs her. "Also, with your permission darling...I feel like our kingdom is due for celebration" Roonie mentions. Luke's eyes light up, and he agree's happily. "I think we should host a ball! We can invite the royals of Brendlewood too. The kingdoms can get to know one another and have a merry time!" she squeaks. "Well technically we aren't royal..since I renounced my title" Arthur mentions. "Don't be silly, you're family! Of course you and Bonnie are invited" Luke says. "Oh yes! Please do join us" Roonie tells Bonnie. She gives a pleasant smile and thanks her. "What a wonderful idea Roonie! Are you sure you'll be up to it?" I ask her with concern. "Absolutely! I am so excited to show off this little one!" she answers. While the others talk excitedly, Roonie pulls me close and whispers, "I want to do something to honor Tulip for saving my son. Help me think of some ideas?" I give her a warm smile and of course agree. "Look at his chubby little cheeks" I say as I fawn over him. A knock at the door brings the kitchen aid informing us that dinner is served. 

After dinner, Bonnie mentions that she would like to take a walk down to the village and pick up a few things from her home. "Why don't you have one of the royal tenants do it for you dear?" I ask. "Well as much as that woman boils my blood, I need to visit Clover to check on baby Harper" she tells me. "You can come along if you like." I give her a smile, "Why, I think I will! It's a nice evening for a walk. Let me just let Cade know." A few moments later we're off to the village, happily chatting as we stroll through the courtyard. The gentle breeze feels lovely, and I think to myself how nice it is to spend some one on one time with my daughter. "At this rate she's the only child I'll ever have" I think to myself. She makes a joke about Arthur, and I give her my best smile. She's no fool though, and see's straight through it. "Oh Mom, what's the matter?" she asks with concern in her voice. "Well dear, a few days ago I had a check up with the royal doctor. Cade and I haven't been able to conceive children as you know, and I was a bit concerned. Unfortunately, the doctor told me that it's highly unlikely that I should ever be with child again. Even if I were to become pregnant, there would be a great chance for serious complications, or even death..." I explain downheartedly. 

Bonnie gasps, "Oh Mother, I had no idea! I'm so sorry to hear this. What did Cade say when you told him?" Then follows a few seconds of silence while I gather my thoughts. "I..well I-I haven't told him yet" I stammer. "What? Why not? Oh you have to tell him! You can't go through this alone" she says stopping on the path. "I know, but after everything that's gone on, I just can't disappoint him. How am I supposed to tell the man I love, that I'll never be able to give him an heir...that I'll never make him a father" I tell her as tears stream down my face. Bonnie pulls me into a hug, and strokes my hair gently. "I'm sorry Mom. You know I would be the heir if I were of royal blood. But with Arthur renouncing his title we are no more than common villagers. Come on then, don't worry. You know Cade will be understanding about it. He's a good man Mom. I know you all can work through this together" she tells me. I nod and try to dry my eyes. "Please don't say anything to anyone. You're the first person I've told" I mention. She agrees, and links arms with me as we continue on our way to the village. "You know... I think I've been noticing a softer side to you lately" I tease. "Ha! You wish! The only thing softer about me is the weight that I've put on. The neighbors keep making delicious treats for us, and I just can't say no!" she laughs.

Once Bonnie has picked up her forgotten things from her home we head over to Clover and Reed's place for a short visit. "What did you get Roonie and Luke?" I ask inquisitively. She turns a slight red and glances down at the parcel and card she is carrying before replying, "It's a teddy bear...that I stitched." I give her a huge smile, "Oh my goodness! Bonnie Lioncourt has gone all domestic!" "Well I figured I'd learn a thing or two about being a good wife. Thought it might come in handy" she says playfully. Along the wooded path we travel to the Bank's residence, joking and talking of married life. Just before night falls we reach the field near the small cottage, and gasp at a shocking scene before us.

Laying dead in the field is a huge troll, a large wooden spear is plunged through his heart. Reed's hand still clutches the other end of the spear, but he too lies dead in a pool of blood. I scream and clap my hand over my mouth in fear. "Oh my goodness! Where's Clover and the baby?" Bonnie calls out. I check Reed's body for any sign of life, but alas there is none. "Mother! Come here quick!" Bonnie calls. I rush to her quickly where we find, not far from the troll and Reed, what is left of Clover. Her lifeless body is a gruesome sight. Her abdomen has been torn open, and a few of her limbs are missing. Bonnie and I glance at each other silently, both too afraid to ask the question...Where is Harper? "This is dreadful. I wonder what a troll was doing so close to the village?" I ask. I look over at Bonnie and she appears to be crying. Though this situation is most truly horrific, it's not like Bonnie to cry like this. "Dear, are you going to be alright?" I carefully ask. Through her sobs I make out her words, "That poor child!" I pull her into a hug as we both take a moment to mourn the loss of the Banks family. 

Suppose Harper has not been lost..." Bonnie says finally catching her breath. "Could Clover have left her in the house? Let's go check!" I blurt out. We sprint towards the house, making record time. The old porch steps groan as we climb them quickly, and fling open the front door. Inside the house is still. Vegetables lay sprawled on the kitchen counter, waiting to be prepared. A meatloaf sits uneaten in a pan nearby. The fireplace is dark, and Harper's toys are scattered about the living area. We fear for the worst as we tear through the house quickly. "Did you hear that? I think I heard something" I exclaim. A whimpering sound comes from the back of the cottage, and my heart races in hopes that it's Harper. 

In her crib we find the little baby wiggling about and cooing playfully. "Oh thank goodness! I was so worried about you!" Bonnie exclaims as she scoops up the child. I can't help but to smile at them and give Harper a little kiss on the forehead. "What will become of you little one?" Bonnie asks looking into the babies eyes. "This child is now an orphan. As Queen of Brendlewood, I declare that if you so choose, this child is now yours" I tell Bonnie with a smile. "W-What? I can't...I mean I don't know what to do with a child" Bonnie lies. "Oh come now! I've seen you with those village children at the school. And, I know how much you helped Clover when she was getting started" I reassure her. "Besides, I see the way that you love her. It's written all over your face." Bonnie smiles at the baby girl and replies, "Yes, but Arthur-" "Will be overjoyed!" I interrupt. 

Bonnie gives me a huge smile and hugs baby Harper closely. "Let's gather up her things and head back to the castle for now. I can't wait to tell Arthur! I hope it will be a happy surprise for him!" she tells me. "Sounds good dear. I'm sure the surprise will be wonderful! We can send word for a clean up crew to take care of the Bank's place. Suppose that must have been a rogue troll thought he would grab an easy meal. It's just so tragic" I reply. We gather up Harper's belongings and start off toward the castle. "Everyone is probably wondering where we are! I hope Luke & Roonie are still up so that I might give them their gift" Bonnie mentions. "Me too" I add as I readjust the strap of the bag I'm carrying. The lantern shines bright through the dark field, and the empty village streets. "Bonnie dear, let me carry Harper a ways. You look faint, are you alright?" I ask worriedly. Bonnie answers slightly out of breath, "I'm...fine. Besides, you're already carrying so much." I shake my head and take the child from her arms with a smile, "No problem! I would love a turn holding this little one." 

A short while later we reach the castle courtyards, but Bonnie looks peckish and wipes the sweat from her brow. Before I can ask if she's ok, she collapses to the ground. "Oh my! Bonnie! Bonnie are you alright? Guards! Come quickly!" I shout as loud as I can. With my arms full I'm unable to tend to her, but notice three guards sprinting towards us from the other end of the grounds. "I just don't know what happened. She simply collapsed. Please bring her to the first spare bedroom on the ground floor" I instruct them. "I'll get her your highness" Cantor the high guard offers. He scoops up Bonnie and gently carries her over his shoulder. The two other guards grab Harper's belongings and we rush to the castle. 

Once inside the doctor is summoned immediately and shoo's us from the room so that he can evaluate Bonnie. Meanwhile, I catch everyone up on the events with the Bank's family. "That is why baby Harper is with us now you see? Arthur, this child has no family now. I know you and Bonnie have really helped Reed and Clover so much, and I know you've grown very fond of this little one" I explain. Arthur nods, "We have indeed. Clover and Reed even offered for us to be her Godparents." I smile warmly, "Then it makes perfect sense that you and Bonnie shall be this child's parents now, doesn't it?" The group murmurs together in agreement, and Arthur stands proudly, "Yes Ma'am. We would be all too happy." With that he reaches out and takes the child, embracing her lovingly. "We'll have a decree made up for her last name to match yours" Cade offers. "Yes that would be wonderful! Thank you" Arthur replies happily. 

Everyone discusses the tragedy of the Bank's, and the merry news of Bonnie and Arthur becoming parents. "E-Excuse me majesties..."  Tinette stutters between our words. The frail scullery maid wears a concerned expression, and her aprons have a bit of blood smeared across them. "What is it?" I ask hurriedly. She curtsies and replies, "The doctor would like to see your highnesses" she blurts out. The group exchanges glances, and we hurry to Bonnie's room. 

Wide awake, but looking shocked, Bonnie sits in her bed fit as a fiddle. "The maids were kind enough to get me a fresh outfit and tie up my hair" she smiles. "Doctor? What's going on? What's happened?" Tulip asks quickly. "Ah well, it's quite interesting really. I've only ever seen one other case of Miss Bonnie's condition, and she was just as surprised. You see, there are some very rare cases in which a woman can become pregnant, but have no indication of the pregnancy" he tries to explain. "Oh my gosh! Bonnie is pregnant!?" Tulip claps her hands together excitedly. Arthur looks even more surprised as he holds baby Harper in his arms. But, the doctor continues, "Well your majesties, Bonnie was pregnant. But she is not any longer-" "Ohhh no! She's lost the baby!?" Jax interjects. The doctor gives a chuckle, "Definitely not, he's quite alright." Arthur perks up, "He, sir?" "Yes indeed, he. Your wife has been pregnant for quite some time now without her knowledge. Nine whole months in fact, and so this evening she went into labor. She collapsed from the suddenness of it all, and when she was brought me, she delivered a healthy baby boy. Both mother and child are perfectly healthy. You've nothing to worry about" he tells Arthur. Everyone lets out a gasp of pure excitement, and congratulate Arthur once again. Bonnie begins laughing happily, "I don't think I've ever been this happy. How quickly we've become parents! Are you happy?" Arthur rushes to her side, "More than you could ever know darling". He kisses her deeply, and Tinette brings the baby boy over to them. There they all sit together on the bed. The new family of four. "What shall you call him?" we ask curiously. "Not sure yet, give us a few minutes, would you?" Arthur requests. "Sure thing!" Cade says. 

We wait in the hall while Bonnie and Arthur take a moment for themselves. "Cookie sends her congratulations to both of the happy couples" Marcie the kitchen aid announces as she enters the hall. "She's made up these midnight treats for the lot of you" she tells us further. "Thank you Marcie, please serve us in the sitting room. Then, take these to King Luke and Queen Roonie. Bonnie and Arthur are having a private family moment so serve them last please" I tell her. "Aye, Mum" she replies. Cade leads the way around the corner to the sitting room, and we gasp at our findings there. "What is the meaning of this?" Cade questions in surprise. There in the sitting room we find Midi and the high guard Cantor with their arms around one another, locked in a passionate kiss. They suddenly break away; Midi goes completely red and curtsies, while Cantor drops to his knee in a bow. "Oh your royal highness, a thousand apologies!" Midi  begs. "Majesties please forgive us of this intrusion" Cantor adds. Not sure how Cade wants to handle things, I wait quietly for his response. But, he breaks into a hearty laugh. "Ah it seems that love is in the air here in Brendlewood Castle. Do keep your private affairs in your personal quarters, and on your own time if you will" he instructs them. Quickly they rise, and thank him giving a bow before rapidly exiting the room. 

As we sit mingling, and discussing the days events, Bonnie and Arthur join us with their new children. We rise to greet them, and wait eagerly for the announcement of their son's name. "Ok, we seem to have agreed on one" "Arthur tells us happily. "We thought it might be nice if the kids share the same initials, so that helped us narrow things down" Bonnie adds. "With out further ado, let us welcome Hunter Levi Lioncourt" Arthur reveals. "Oh how lovely!" Tulip exclaims hugging Bonnie. "Harper Lilac and Hunter Levi, how  adorable! Congratulations you two!" I tell them. Cade and Jax congratulate them as well, and Arthur suggests that Bonnie get back to her rest. "Oh but I want to tell Luke  and Roonie the news!" she objects. "Plenty of time for that later dear. I don't want you exhausting yourself" he says kindly. "Don't worry Bon, I'll have one of the maids send them to your room" I tell her. "Oh all right. And when did you become so bossy, huh?" she kids with Arthur. He laughs and scoops up Harper. "I suppose we should all be getting some rest now. It's been a long day for all of us" Cade suggests. We bid goodnight to each of them, and retire to our bed chambers.