There lives a little shadow, that's always where you go,
he'll hide amongst the bushes, then be dancing under toe.
Constant companion is what you'll find you own,
He'll never leave your side, and you'll never be alone.
When your spirit is full of doubt, he'll be near don't you fret,
Even when you're troubled, and full of lives regret.
Through struggles and obstacles of the maddening sort,
You try to overcome, you look for last resorts.
A pain burdens you, your souls essence all but crushing,
Unable to withstand the trials, anxiety comes rushing.
Bleak is the sky now, and plagued is the minds thoughts,
Caught in the eternal limbo of death and forget me nots.
What then can separate you from the longing for better days,
How can you erase the clearing of the bitter smoggy haze.
What's keeping you from numbness, and embracing your apathy,
The little shadow always near, whispering lies of being happy.
Hope he is called, an imprisonment of falsehood that now is finally known,
He'll never leave your side, and you'll never be alone.